
Partners and Target Groups

Since the end of 2022, cooperation with our partner country Benin has focused on support on-demand. Benin representatives are regularly invited to events organized by the ABS Initiative and its partners.

The ABS Initiative’s support to the ABS focal point at the Direction Générale des Eaux, Forêts et Chasse / Ministère du Cadre de Vie et du Développement Durable (General Directorate of Water, Forests and Hunting at the Ministry for the Living Environment and Sustainable Development) is predominantly provided under a grant agreement with our longtime partner, the NGO Cercle pour la Sauvegarde des Ressources Naturelles (CeSaReN), with additional technical support by international experts.  

The target groups include all major ABS-relevant stakeholders such as local communities, traditional knowledge holders, researchers, private sector representatives and staff of the various government authorities involved in ABS. The activities supported by the ABS Initiative help to ensure that all these actors are capacitated to participate meaningfully both in the development of Benin’s ABS framework and in its implementation from the national down to the local level.

More information on the ABS-relevant stakeholder groups here.