We are a dynamic team of long-term experts and "fresh minds" eager to promote the sustainable use of biodiversity with our individual skill-sets, knowledge and the extensive experience we have gathered in the fields of ABS and BioTrade value chains since 2006.
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ABS Capacity Development Initiative
Katrin Münch
Project Manager
Responsible for the overall management
GIZ, Bonn/Germany
Anna Busch
Plans, directs and coordinates all accounting operational functions
GIZ, Eschborn/Germany
Nadine Girard
Event Manager
Coordinates logistics of events
GIZ, Eschborn/Germany
Dr Hartmut Meyer
Technical Adviser
Coordinates activities in Kenya; thematic focus on digital sequence information on genetic resources (DSI) and implementation of ABS-related elements of the Global Biodiversity Framework
GIZ, Eschborn/Germany
Dr Ullrich Klins
Technical Adviser
Coordinates activities in Côte d’Ivoire; focuses on value chains
GIZ, Eschborn/Germany
Inès Edwige Kohan Sea
Technical Adviser
Implements ABS-processes jointly with national partner
GIZ, Abijan/Côte d'Ivoire
Suhel al-Janabi
Team Lead GeoMedia
Provides strategic advice to project and coordinates the assignment of consultants, focuses on ABS frameworks, mainstreaming ABS, VC development, DSI and Capacity Development
GeoMedia, Bonn/Germany
Dr Anna Lena Di Carlo
Technical Advisor
Advises on project activities in Francophone partner countries, focuses on regulatory frameworks, multi-stakeholder partnerships, IP&LC participation, value chains and intersectionality
GeoMedia, Bonn/Germany
Steffen Marziniak
Office Manager and Technical Advisor
Administers and monitors the consultant pool, supports activities on DSI
GeoMedia, Bonn/Germany
Adrie El Mohamadi
Component Manager - South Africa
Responsible for the management of activities in Southern Africa and coordinated the Sector Development Plan implementation (SDPs/MSPs)
GIZ, Pretoria/South Africa
Inge Adelfang-Hodgson
Technical Adviser
Coordinates activities related to transformation of socio-cultural narratives, systemic social change behavior and indigenous people community engagement approaches linked to the biodiverse bioeconomy governance at meta level and co-creation of respective knowledge products
GIZ, Pretoria/South Africa
Serole Mketsu
Technical Adviser
Coordinates activities at the micro level related to direct SMME technical and financial support, BioProducts Advancement Network SA (BioPANZA)
GIZ, Pretoria/South Africa
Amanda Nyingwa
Technical Adviser
Supports the coordination of new meso level activities and peer learning
GIZ, Pretoria/South Africa
BioInnovation Africa
Friedrich zur Heide
Project Manager
Responsible for the overall management
GIZ, Bonn/Germany
Anja Teschner
Technical Adviser
Coordinates activities in Cameroon and Madagascar and acts as Gender Focal Point
GIZ, Bonn/Germany
Danièle Fouth
Technical Adviser
Coordinates the Capacity Development activities
GIZ, Bonn/Germany
Ezra Bender
Technical Adviser
Coordinates Monitoring, Evaluation, Capacity Development, and Communications
GIZ, Bonn/Germany
Herijaniaina Rakotoarisoa
Technical Adviser - Madagascar
Coordinates activities on national ABS implementation for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in Madagascar
GIZ, Antananarivo/Madagascar
Falihery Raobelison
Technical Adviser - Madagascar
Supports activities on value chain development, business outreach and matchmaking
GIZ, Antananarivo/Madagascar
Hallo Angala
Technical Adviser - Namibia
Supports activities on national ABS implementation for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity
GIZ, Windhoek/Namibia
Selma Kakuva
Technical Adviser - Namibia
Supports activities on value chains development, business outreach and matchmaking
GIZ, Windhoek/Namibia
Okenye Mambo
Senior Technical Adviser - Cameroon
Supports activities on national ABS implementation for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity
GIZ, Yaoundé/Cameroon
Iyassa Mosua
Technical Adviser - Cameroon
Supports activities on value chains development, business outreach and matchmaking including business partnership coordination
GIZ, Yaoundé/Cameroon
Adrie El Mohamadi
Component Manager - South Africa
Supervises and manages activities in South Africa
GIZ, Pretoria/South Africa
Inge Adelfang-Hodgson
Technical Adviser - South Africa
Coordinates activities to enable improved participation of local community-based organizations linked to conservation and sustainable use (wild harvesters) indigenous knowledge systems, monitoring systems and practices of biodiversity governance, co-creation of respective knowledge products.
GIZ, Pretoria/South Africa
Serole Mketsu
Technical Adviser - South Africa
Coordinates activities for Capacity Development initiative in South Africa and support the BIA financial mechanism linked to SMME support
GIZ, Pretoria/South Africa
Amanda Nyingwa
Technical Adviser - South Africa
Coordinates value chain partnership engagements between SA and EU partners, focuses on value chain development, ABS online permit application initiative support
GIZ, Pretoria/South Africa
Dr Anna Lena Di Carlo
Senior Expert (GeoMedia GmbH)
Regulatory frameworks, IPLC participation and value chains for ABS Initiative and BioInnovation Africa, focus on Francophone countries
Steffen Marziniak
Office Manager and Technical Adviser
Administers and monitors the consultant pool
GeoMedia GmbH, Bonn/Germany
Kathrin Heidbrink
Focuses on strategic communication, didactical approaches, facilitation
Berlin, Germany
Paul Oldham
Director One World Analytics
IT specialist in online permitting and monitoring systems; research on digital sequence information
Jonathon Rees
Focuses on communication tools, capacity development and public awareness in Southern Africa
South Africa
Andreas Drews
Focuses on mainstreaming ABS, regulatory frameworks, ABS contracts, DSI, intellectual property rights & associated traditional knowledge (IPR & aTK)
Dagmar Honsbein
Focuses on biodiversity-based value chains, SME trainings, training of trainers
Francis Osiemo
Focuses on legal and contractual aspects related to ABS
Pierre du Plessis
Focuses on regulatory frameworks in Namibia and South Africa, ABS negotiations for African countries, benefit sharing for conservation and sustainable use, DSI, IPR & aTK
Timothy Hodges
Focuses on facilitation of multilateral dialogues on ABS, DSI and BioTrade, regulatory frameworks
Astrid Ostrowicki
Focuses on development of communication materials
Marthane Swart
Focuses on value chain development and certification in South Africa
Cape Town/South Africa
Celina Rocquet-Bassiri
Focuses on biodiversity-based value chains, training and training of trainers
Manfred Oepen
Focuses on didactic and methodological aspects in training of trainers
Rik Kutsch Lojenga
Team Lead UEBT
Focuses on sector transformation and value chains and African-European private sector cooperation
UEBT, Amsterdam/Netherlands
Francesca Minerva
Focuses on value chains assessments and certification
UEBT, Rome/Italy
Maria Julia Oliva
Focuses on cooperation with the private sector, sector transformation and ABS
UEBT, Amsterdam/Netherlands
Simona D'Amico
Focuses on biodiversity action plans, monitoring and evaluation
UEBT, Amsterdam/Netherlands
Rina Razanakolom
Focuses on supply chains in Madagascar, including verification, ABS, and biodiversity action plans, UEBT team lead Madagascar
UEBT, Antananarivo/Madagascar