Adrie El Mohamadi
Component Manager
Responsible for the management of activities in Southern Africa and coordinated the Sector Development Plan implementation (SDPs/MSPs)
GIZ, Pretoria/South Africa
Inge Adelfang-Hodgson
Technical Adviser
Coordinates activities related to transformation of socio-cultural narratives, systemic social change behavior and indigenous people community engagement approaches linked to the biodiverse bioeconomy governance at meta level and co-creation of respective knowledge products
GIZ, Pretoria/South Africa
Serole Mketsu
Technical Adviser
Coordinates activities at the micro level related to direct SMME technical and financial support, BioProducts Advancement Network SA (BioPANZA)
GIZ, Pretoria/South Africa
Amanda Nyingwa
Technical Adviser
Supports the coordination of new meso level activities and peer learning
GIZ, Pretoria/South Africa
Cyril Lombard
Focuses on value chains and private sector training in Southern Africa
Johannesburg/South Africa