Countries have sovereign rights over the genetic resources found on their territory. Genetic resources are all living organisms, plants, animals and microbes that carry genetic material that could be potentially useful to humans. They can be found both in situ within ecosystems or natural habitats, or ex-situ including botanical gardens, commercial or university collections.
Genetic resources are used for a variety of purposes ranging from basic research to the development of products. When benefits arise from research on or development of genetic resources, including when it leads to the commercial use of a developed product, these benefits should be shared fairly and equitably with the country providing these resources.
Since 2006, the ABS Capacity Development Initiative, BioInnovation Africa and ABioSA and their partners have developed capacities of relevant ABS stakeholders on the local, national and global level in order to facilitate the implementation of ABS mechanisms.
- The three projects in detail
- Activities in partner countries and regions
- Material for better comprehension of ABS and capacity development
A 5 minute animated video clip to explain ABS and the Nagoya Protocol. It is meant to be screened as a curtain raiser at meetings, conferences and workshops - for example national ABS kick off’s - to a larger audiences. Of course the video can also be forwarded to colleagues that are interested in the ABS or should get to know about it. Several languages.
A 6 minute animated video clip explaining the issue of digital sequence information on genetic resources (DSI) and illustrating its importance for the CBD’s three objectives: conservation, sustainable use of biological diversity and fair and equitable benefit-sharing. It is meant to be shared with ABS and CBD National Focal Points, Competent National Authorities as well as other actors that are interested in the topic. The video explains the concept of DSI and describes how DSI is being generated, used and stored.
A 6 minute animated video clip explaining the ABS Monitoring System as provided for by the Nagoya Protocol.
A 10 minute video and publication exploring the relationship between biodiversity conservation and access and benefit sharing (ABS), including how this relationship varies depending upon the nature of commercial use of genetic and biological resources.