This is the glossary that ABioSA's knowledge products are referring to. It was compiled by the ABioSA project from multiple sources.
- ABioSA - ABS Compliant Biotrade in South(ern) Africa, a project funded by SECO and implemented by GIZ
- ABS - Access and Benefit-Sharing
- African Baobab Alliance - An alliance of Baobab producers, traders and brands supporting the development of the Baobab industry
- ACSA - Aloe Council South Africa, an organisation representing the Aloe ferox industry
- Anti-oxidant - a compound capable of slowing down or preventing damage to cells caused by oxidation, free radicals or environmental pressures
- API - Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient
- BA - Buchu Association
- BABS - Bioprospecting, Access and Benefit-Sharing permitting system (South Africa)
- BAC - Bioprospecting Advisory Committee (South Africa)
- Biodiversity - The variability among living organisms from all sources including terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are a part, and also includes diversity within species, between species, and of ecosystems (as defined in NEMBA)
- BIA - BioInnovation Africa
- BioPANZA - The BioProducts Advancement Network South Africa is a collaboration between three government departments - Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE), Science and Innovation (DSI), Trade, Industry and Competition (dtic) - to support the bioprospecting and biotrade sector, and help achieve the aims of the National Biodiversity Economy Strategy (NBES)
- Bioprospecting - In relation to indigenous biological resources, bioprospecting means any research on, or development or application of, indigenous biological resources for commercial or industrial exploitation, and includes (a) the systematic search, collection or gathering of such resources or making extractions from such resources for purposes of such research, development or application; (b) the utilisation for purposes of such research or development of any information regarding any traditional uses of indigenous biological resources by indigenous communities; or (c) research on, or the application, development or modification of, any such traditional uses for commercial or industrial exploitation (as defined in NEMBA)
- Bioprospecting Trust Fund (BTF) - The Fund established by section 85(1) of South Africa’s NEMBA legislation, and managed by DFFE to receive payments of benefits to TK holders
- Biotrade - The harvesting, cultivation, processing and trade of products from indigenous plant species for the development of novel food, cosmetic and phytopharmaceutical products for local and international markets. Biotrade is emerging as a significant industry which sustainably uses wild or cultivated natural resources for social and economic development. It is a high-potential sector which can enhance and conserve biodiversity, build rural economies, empower women and stimulate skills and technology development. Biotrade combines the Traditional Knowledge of indigenous people with modern manufacturing and emerging market demands of consumer economies. This creates the conditions for a robust sector. Southern Africa already has many small biotrade companies and representative trade bodies.
- BMZ - German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
- BSO - Business Support Organisation
- CAM - Complementary and Alternative Medicines
- Cape Aloe Movement (CAM)
- CI - Colour Index
- Carrier oils - Vegetable oils used to dilute essential oils used in aromatherapy
- CAS - Chemical Abstract Service, a division of the American Chemical Society
- CBI - The Centre for the Promotion of Imports (Centrum tot Bevordering van de Import uit ontwikkelingslanden)
- CBD - Convention on Biological Diversity
- CECOSA - Cosmetic Export Council of South Africa
- Centrifugal process - Spinning or rotating to separate particles from a solution
- Certificate of Analysis - Document reporting the results of analysis obtained during laboratory analysis
- CITES - Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
- CMR - EU cosmetics legislation contains provisions for the use of substances classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic, or toxic for reproduction (CMR substances) in cosmetic products. The use of CMR substances is prohibited, except in exceptional cases.
- Codex Alimentarius - A collection of internationally recognised standards, codes of practice, guidelines, and other recommendations relating to foods, food production, and food safety
- Codex Commission - Established in 1961 by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, the Commission developed and maintains the Codex Alimentarius
- Cold pressing - Oil extraction by screw pressing reaching temperatures no higher than 49°C
- Commodity oils - Oils produced in large volumes for everyday use
- Cosmetic Product - Cosmetic product in terms of EC 1223/2009: Article 2 1(a) means any substance or mixture intended to be placed in contact with the external parts of the human body (epidermis, hair system, nails, lips and external genital organs) or with the teeth and the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, with a view exclusively or mainly to cleaning them, perfuming them, changing their appearance, protecting them, keeping them in good condition or correcting body odours
- CPR - Cosmetic Product Regulation EC 1223/2009
- CPNP - Cosmetic Product Notification Portal
- CSA - Chemical Safety Assessment
- CSIR - Council for Scientific and Industrial Research focusing on multidisciplinary research and technological innovation
- CSR - Chemical Safety Report
- CHTP - Cape Health Technology Park, a collaborative venture between the Western Cape Government, the national Department of Science and Technology, academia and business, housing pharmaceutical companies, research institutes and clinical trial facilities
- CTFA - Cosmetic Toiletry and Fragrance Association
- DFFE - Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment
- DSBD - Department of Small Business Development
- Distillation - Removal or separation of compounds from a liquid mixture by selective boiling and condensation
- DSI – Department of Science and Innovation (DSI)
- EC number - The Enzyme Commission number is a numerical classification for enzymes, based on the chemical reactions they catalyse
- ECHA - The European Chemicals Agency is an agency of the European Union which manages the technical and administrative aspects of the implementation of EU Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)
- EFEO- European Federation of Essential Oils
- EFFA - European Flavour Association
- EFSA - European Food Safety Authority
- EINECS - The European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances is an inventory of substances that were deemed to be on the European Community market between 1 January 1971 and 18 September 1981
- EMA - European Medicines Agency
- Enzymes - Proteins acting as biological catalysts to accelerate reactions. Enzymes can speed up formation and breaking of bonds.
- ESIS - European Chemical Substance Information System
- EUSES - European Union System for the Evaluation of Substances
- EU - European Union
- EEC - European Economic Community
- Essential oil - An essential oil is the volatile part of a natural product, which can be obtained by distillation, steam distillation or expression in the case of citrus fruits. It contains mostly volatile hydrocarbons. The oil is ‘essential’ in the sense that it carries a distinct scent, or essence of the plant.
- FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- Fats and oils - Lipids which are solid at room temperature are called fats, and lipids which are liquid at room temperature are referred to as oils
- FBO - Food Business Operator
- FDA - Food and Drug Administration (US)
- FDS - Food and Dietary Supplements
- FCDA - Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act (Act 54 of 1972), as amended
- Finished Cosmetic Product - The cosmetic product in its final formulation, as placed on the market and made available to the end user, or its prototype (2009/1223/EC) (Notes of Guidance NoG 10th revision 2018)
- Frame formulation - Formulation which details the category/function and maximum concentration of each ingredient
- Functional properties - Useful effects of components in oil
- GACP - Good Agricultural & Collection Practices
- GHP - Good Harvesting Practices
- GEF - Global Environmental Fund
- GIZ - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
- GHS - Globally harmonized system of classification and labelling of chemicals
- GLP - Good Laboratory Practice
- GMO - Genetically Modified Organism
- GMP - Good Manufacturing Practice
- GPAF - Global Poverty Action Fund
- GQSP - Global Quality and Standards Programme
- HCoP - Honeybush Community of Practice
- HJAG - Honeybush Joint Action Group
- HACCP - Hazardous & Critical Control Point
- IFRA - International Fragrance Association
- ILO - International Labour Organization
- INCI - International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients
- IK - Indigenous knowledge is the specific body of knowledge used by people who share a distinct geographical and cultural heritage in relation to the use of such knowledge. Indigenous Knowledge is Traditional Knowledge, but Traditional Knowledge is not always indigenous. Indigenous Knowledge sits within the broader framework of Traditional Knowledge.
- IKS - Indigenous Knowledge Systems are the knowledge and skills owned by people within a specific geographic area on how to use nature as a survival strategy. This body of knowledge is passed on between generations; and adapted by each generation to suit their needs and circumstances. These circumstances can be spiritual, ecological or socio-economic in nature.
- IKS Act - Protection, Promotion, Development and Management of Indigenous Knowledge Act (Act 6 of 2019), as amended
- ISO - International Organization for Standardization
- Indigenous species - A species that occurs, or has historically occurred, naturally in a free state in nature, but not introduced as a result of human activity
- IP - Intellectual Property refers to creative constructions as found in art, music, literature, symbols and names. There are different types of IP, which can include Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Patents, Copyright, Geographic Indicators, Trademarks and Industrial Designs.
- IPLA - Intellectual Property Laws Amendment Act (Act 28 of 2013)
- IP&LC - Indigenous People and Local Communities. Local communities consist of people living together but not necessarily sharing a geographic origin. Indigenous communities originate from a specific geographic locality and share a specific ethnic origin and identity within the geographical framework of a specific area.
- IUCLID - International Uniform Chemical Information Database
- IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature
- IUPAC - International Union for Pure Applied Chemistry
- M&E - Monitoring and Evaluation
- MRM - Monitoring and Results Measurement
- MTA - Material Transfer Agreement, an agreement in South Africa’s NEMBA legislation which provides access to the indigenous genetic and biological resources subject to an application
- Mechanical pressing - Process where oil is forced from oilseed either by using a screw press or hydraulic press
- Member state - A country that is a member of the European Union
- MPI - Global Multidimensional Poverty Index
- MRL - Maximum Residue Limits
- Nagoya Protocol - The Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing focuses on ensuring the fair and equitable sharing of benefits resulting from access to bio-resources; the conservation of the biodiversity; and the sustainable use of the bio-resources in a transparent way
- NBES - National Biodiversity Economy Strategy (South Africa)
- NBF - National Biodiversity Framework
- NBSAP - National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan
- NEMBA - National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (Act 10 of 2004), as amended (South Africa)
- NIPF - Indigenous Natural Products Fund
- NIKSO - National Indigenous Knowledge Systems Office (South Africa)
- NIPMO - National Intellectual Property Management Office
- NKSC - National Khoi and San Council
- Not Chemically modified – The chemical structure of a substance that remains unchanged even after it has undergone a chemical process/treatment, or a physical mineralogical transformation to remove impurities
- NRS - National Recordal System
- Oils - Triglycerides which are in a liquid state at room temperature
- Oxidative stability - An important quality characteristic of all oils, governed by the inherent composition of the oil, namely the fatty acid composition or macro-components, as well as the content of micro-components including tocopherols, polyphenols, carotenoids and chlorophyll
- OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
- Packaging contaminant - Any avoidable or unavoidable substance which is present in a raw material, packaging or final cosmetic product. Refer to EU food contaminant legislation i.e. COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) No 315/93 ((EEC) No 315/93, 1993)
- PDS – The Product Data Sheet will typically include information about the general identity of the product, basic composition, microbiology results and regulatory information.
- PIC - Prior Informed Consent
- PIF - Product Information File
- PIS - Product Information Sheet (another name for a Product Data Sheet)
- Principle Investigator - An individual who acts on behalf of the Study Director for a delegated phase of a multi-site study
- Prior informed consent - Consent in respect of Indigenous Knowledge, granted by a trustee, which has been obtained free from manipulation, interference or coercion; after full disclosure of the intent and scope of the activity; and in a language and process understandable to the community (from NEMBA)
- REACH - Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals
- REACH IT - Central IT system that supports industry, EU member state authorities and ECHA to securely submit, process and manage data and dossiers for REACH purposes
- Reference item - Control item, used for comparison with test item
- Registrant - The EEA manufacturer or the EEA importer of a substance or the EEA producer or EEA importer of an article submitting a registration for a substance into the EEA
- RMIF - Raw Materials Information Form
- ROM - Results Oriented Monitoring
- SAFFI - South African Association of the Flavours and Fragrance Industry
- SAEOPA - Southern African Essential Oils Producers Association
- SAHPRA - Southern African Health Products Regulatory Authority
- SAHTA - South African Honeybush Tea Association
- SANBI - South African National Biodiversity Institute
- SDP - Sector Development Plan
- SARC - South African Rooibos Council
- SASC - South African San Council
- SCCS - EU Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety
- SECO - Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs
- Seed oils - Vegetable oils obtained from the seed of a plant rather than a fruit
- SEFA - Small Enterprise Finance Agency
- SDG - Sustainable Development Goals
- SIP - Substance Identification Profile
- SIPPO - Swiss Import Promotion Programme
- SMME - Small Micro and Medium Enterprises
- Sponsor - Entity which commissions, supports and/or submits a study
- SSAIP - Swiss-South African Intellectual Property Project
- Study Director - Person responsible for the overall conduct of a study
- Study plan - Defines the objectives and experimental design of a study
- TDS - The Technical Data Sheet is a summary of the physical, chemical and other information related to a product or substance. It is also known as a Specification Sheet.
- Technically avoidable contaminants - Impurities or contaminates that can be avoided by following Good Manufacturing Practices
- Technically unavoidable contaminants - Substances originating from impurities of natural or synthetic ingredients, manufacturing processes, storage and/or migration from packaging which is technically unavoidable in Good Manufacturing Practices (EC, 2009)
- Test facility - Personnel, premises, and operational unit/s necessary for conducting non-clinical health and environmental safety studies.
- Test item - Sample to be tested
- Test site - Location at which a phase or phases of a study are conducted
- Test system - Biological, chemical or physical system, or combination, used in the study
- The dtic - The department of trade, investment and competition
- TIA - Technology Innovation Agency - an initiative of the Department of Science & Innovation
- TK - Traditional knowledge refers to the entirety of all knowledge and practices applied in a socio-economically and ecologically way as part of a survival strategy, including Indigenous Knowledge
- TK levy - Traditional knowledge Levy (South Africa)
- TKLA - Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Act (Act 3 of 2019), as amended
- TMP - Herbalists/Traditional Medicine Practitioner
- TRIPS - Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
- UEBT - Union for Ethical BioTrade
- UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
- UNDP - United Nations Development Programme
- UNDRIP - UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
- UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme
- UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development Organisation
- Use - Any processing, formulation, consumption, storage, keeping, treatment, filling into containers, transfer from one container to another, mixing, or production of an article or any other utilisation
- USEPA - United States Environmental Protection Agency
- UWC - University of the Western Cape
- Vegetable oil - Vegetable fats and oils are substances generally obtained from the seeds of plants, although some other parts of the plants may also yield oils. Vegetable oils and fats are mainly composed of triglycerides, which contain a range of fatty acids of different chain lengths.
- VC - Value Chsins
- VOC - Volatile Organic Compound
- WHO - World Health Organisation
- WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization