- National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) - (ABS Competent National Authority – ABS Permits, internationally recognized certificates of compliance (IRCCs)
- Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) (Provider of wildlife genetic resources, ABS Checkpoint – PIC, MAT, wildlife research permits, export permits)
- Kenya Forest Service (KFS) (Provider of forest genetic resources, ABS Checkpoint – PIC, MAT)
- National Commision for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI) (ABS Checkpoint – research permits)
- Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) (ABS Checkpoint – phytosanitary export permits)
- Directorate of Veterinary Services (DVS, in the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries) (Provider of farm animal genetic resources – sanitary export permits)
Cooperation with:
Counties of Baringo, Kakamega, Laikipia
- Cooperation with the County Executive Committees (CEC) responsible for environment and the ABS Technical Committees
- Cooperation with IPLCs, community-based organisations and local producer associations as the Endorois Welfare Council (EWC, Baringo), the Laikipia Permaculture Trust and the Kakamega Natural Forest Catchment Conservation Organization (KANFCCO)
The target groups include all major ABS-relevant stakeholders such as IPLCs, researchers, private sector representatives and staff of the government authorities with links to ABS, who will be capacitated to introduce their respective needs and viewpoints in the effective implementation of the legislative framework.
More information on the ABS-relevant stakeholder groups here.