

Three initiatives for the sustainable establishment
of ABS-compliant biotrade value chains

Since 2006, the GIZ manages projects that are addressing capacity building for the implementation of Access and Benefit-sharing (ABS) and the Nagoya Protocol.

The “mother ship” is the ABS Capacity Development Initiative with a focus on enabling national ABS frameworks in countries of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP Group) and Africa in general. The ABS Initiative is hosted by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and funded by several donors.

Since 2018, the ABS Initiative’s sub-project ABS-compliant Biotrade in South(ern) Africa (ABioSA) supports the creation of a high-growth, jobs-rich and innovative biotrade market that complies with international and domestic ABS regulations. ABioSA is financed by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).

Since 2019, the ABS Capacity Development Initiative’s “sister project”, BioInnovation Africa, is facilitating equitable European-African business partnerships that contribute to biodiversity conservation and socio-economic development. The focus is on biodiversity-based value chains with strong and sustainable ABS-components. BioInnovation Africa is hosted and funded by the BMZ.