Fields of Intervention
Output A:
- Support in the elaboration of a visualization of the ABS procedure
- Development of an online-IT-system for ABS and research permit applications
- Trainings for lawyers and civil society representatives in the negotiation of ABS contracts
Output B:
- Stocktaking regarding existing mechanisms for channeling benefits into conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity
- Facilitation of the elaboration of a strategy for setting up suitable mechanisms for channeling benefits into conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity
Output C:
- Implementation of three partnerships with European private sector companies and Cameroonian providers
- Facilitation of the administrative ABS procedures linked to the respective partnerships
- Identification and preparation of local communities for the ABS negotiations
- Ensuring quality standards in the respective value chains
Upon request of the regional GIZ COMIFAC project, the ABS Initiative is supporting activities such as:
- Elaboration of a regional COMIFAC ABS strategy
- Preparation of ABS negotiators from the COMIFAC member states for the international ABS negotiations
- Facilitation of pilot ABS cases in form of administrative procedures, negotiations, setting up value chains, etc.
- Support in the elaboration of regulatory texts
- Facilitation of the lobbying for the adoption of ABS regulatory texts
- Support in the elaboration of Biocultural Community Protocols
- Support in visualizing existing ABS procedures
Major achievements (as of January 2020)
- Stocktakings regarding the existing legal frameworks for ABS, permitting landscape, ABS manuals and the existing mechanisms for channeling benefits into conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity
- Three commercial partnerships between Cameroonian actors and European industry on 4 different species, aiming at the cosmetic and flavor & fragrance sector are established
- Field trials for quality assurance in one value chain have been initiated
- A regional COMIFAC ABS strategy was adopted in 2010 and has served several countries as basis for the elaboration of their respective ABS regulatory frameworks
- Two initial ABS agreements in Cameroon were negotiated and signed in 2014 and 2016 respectively
- The elaboration of a Biocultural Community Protocol was initiated in 2019
- A visualization of the foreseen ABS procedure in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) developed in 2020
- The process of the elaboration of an ABS regulatory framework in Central African Republic (CAR) was initiated in 2020