
Activities and Achievements

  • Regulatory and procedural support
  • Awareness-raising
  • Engagement with indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs)
  • ABS value chains

More on national ABS frameworks and other elements needed for successful ABS implementation here.

More on the interlinkage between ABS, BioTrade and sustainable value chains here.

  • Assessment of the status of ABS implementation in November 2017; consultation with stakeholders (government, IPLC representatives, private sector, legal experts) through individual meetings and a national workshop in Port Vila
  • Translation of the “ABS Simply Explained”-video into Bislama for awareness raising among government stakeholders as well as local communities
  • Development and printing of awareness-raising posters in Bislama for distribution in provincial government offices
  • Awareness-raising meetings with local communities on Malekula Island during country visit in August 2018 together with representatives of DEPC and the Ministry of Trade; further community visits in April, October and November 2019, including on other islands under the ARC grant for the development of BCPs
  • Awareness-raising workshops in provincial offices of DEPC on Malekula Island and Espiritu Santo Island
  • Discussions with DEPC in 2018 highlighted the need for clearer local prior informed consent processes and clarity around biotrade activities that may include selling to overseas researchers
  • Expert advice and commentary was provided to DEPC and the Ministry of Trade relating to the text of the TK Bill
  • Since 2018 facilitation of discussions between DEPC and foreign biotrade companies as well as local producers
  • Vanuatu has a functioning Biodiversity Advisory Committee issuing Nagoya Protocol compliant permits, operating under the bioprospecting provisions of the Environmental Management and Conservation Act
  • Permits have been issued for a range of academic research activities; the ABS Initiative has commented on several commercial bioprospecting enquiries and contracts
  • The TK Act has been passed and the Ministry of Trade is working on regulations for its implementation. A workshop has been suggested involving local producers of biotrade goods, handicrafts, music, cultural expressions and designs, which could involve the ABS Initiative
  • Draft community protocols have been developed under the mutually supportive ARC grant in 4 communities