In the first year of this partnership, the ABS-Initiative has not yet supported any specific value chains in Côte d’Ivoire. Considering its vast and diverse territory, including several National Parks that protect some of West Africa’s most important reservoirs of biodiversity, and the important role that biological resources like cocoa and coffee play for the Ivorian economy, options to engage in BioTrade activities and ABS-compliant value chains are manifold. The ABS Initiative is planning to identify suitable value chains for future support.
With the ratification of the Nagoya Protocol in 2013, the nomination of a National ABS Focal Point, the designation of the Competent National Authority and the establishment of a national ABS Ad’ Hoc Committee, the basis for a successful implementation of the Nagoya Protocol has been laid. A draft interministerial ABS decree, validated in October 2020, has been inserted in the relevant ministries for signatures.
Côte d’Ivoire has ratified the Nagoya protocol. In compliance with its rules, some access demands are analyzed and the ABS permits have been issued. No ABS-compliant value chains, including the participation of indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs), have been set up yet.
More information on the interlinkage between ABS, BioTrade and sustainable value chains here.
More about national ABS frameworks and other elements needed for successful ABS implementation here.