The ABS status in the 16 Caribbean ACP states is relatively low. Only five countries are members of the Nagoya Protocol, in four countries ABS policies or legislation have been adopted. The activities of the OECS Commission and the ABS Initiative aim at accelerating the development of functional ABS frameworks in at least the OECS member states.
ACP Member States | Party NP | ABS Legislation | ABS Institutions | IRCCs |
Guyana (CARICOM) | Yes | National Policy on ABS, 2007 Draft ABS regulations | National Focal Point (NFP) Compentent National Authority (CNA) | 5 |
Dominican Republic | Yes | Regulations on ABS, 2018 and others | NFP CNA Checkpoint | 2 |
St. Kitts and Nevis | Yes | Draft ABS legislation | NFP CNA | 2 |
Antigua and Barbuda | Yes | Provisions in Environmental Protection and Management Act, 2019 | NFP CNA | -/- |
Cuba | Yes | Provisions in Regulations on Biological Diversity, 1996 | NFP | -/- |
Bahamas | -/- | Draft ABS legislation | -/- | -/- |
Dominica | -/- | Draft ABS law | NFP | -/- |
Barbados | -/- | -/- | NFP | -/- |
Grenada | -/- | -/- | NFP CNA | -/- |
Haiti | -/- | -/- | NFP | -/- |
Jamaica | -/- | -/- | NFP | -/- |
St. Lucia | -/- | -/- | NFP | -/- |
St. Vincent and the Grenadines | -/- | -/- | NFP | -/- |
Belize | -/- | -/- | -/- | -/- |
Suriname | -/- | -/- | -/- | -/- |
Trinidad and Tobago | -/- | -/- | -/- | -/- |