What does it take to mainstream ABS implementation and support GBF Goal C & Target 13?
At the 4th Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation of the CBD, 28th May 2024, Nairobi, the ABS Capacity Development Initiative held a side event about ABS capacity development for transformative change. The side event was opened by the host of the multi-donor ABS Capacity Development Initiative, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation (BMZ). Representatives of the other supporting governments of Norway, The Netherlands and the UK also welcomed the participants.
The aim of the side event was to present and discuss the ABS Initiative's new approach to capacity development, ranging from IP&LCs trainings over fostering multi-stakeholder value chain partnerships, to supporting the establishment of a multilateral benefit-sharing mechanism on DSI was presented and discussed. In light of the whole of government and whole of society approach for implementing the GBF there is a need for new dynamics that promote long-term partnerships and conducive enabling financial, technical and regulatory environments for research and valorisation of biological resources - away from restrictive control of the use of genetic resources, towards incentives and the use of potentials.
New Strategies
Thus, new strategies for capacity development are being developed for:
- the international discussion about new concepts for and effective implementation of benefit-sharing in the context of the GBF and specifically regarding the development of a multilateral approach for the sharing of benefits from the use of DSI
- fostering and accompanying the establishment of multi-stakeholder partnerships between providers and users of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge
- supporting national and regional actors to foster the integration of research & development, BioTrade, the sustainable use of biological resources and fair benefit-sharing into national trade, economic and conservation policies
- promoting active participation of indigenous peoples and local communities, and specifically women and young adult, in the negotiation of benefit-sharing agreements and the management of sustainable biodiversity-based value chains
After an overview presentation of the new approaches and activities by the ABS Initiative, a panel consisting of project partners informed about specific areas of cooperation with the ABS Initiative and gave recommendations for the future work – from policy over planning to implementation. The panel comprised:
- Davies Chogawana (Senior Environmental Officer, Environmental Affairs Department, Malawi)
- Alaki Véronique Koffi Epse Amari (National ABS Focal Point, Ministere de l'Environnement et du Developpment Durable, Côte d’Ivoire)
- Eric Kibichum Kimalit (Chairperson, Endorois Welfare Council & Acting Chairperson, IPLCs of Kenya, Kenya)
- Mohlago Flora Mokgohloa (Deputy Director General, Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, South Africa)
- William Lockhardt (Co-Chair DSI Informal Advisory Group & Deputy Director, Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, UK)
June 2024